Visitor Information
Amenities Block
Your gatecard will give you access to the ladies and gents and laundry doors. There is a separate toilet and shower which remains unlocked for access by your crew if needed. Your assistance to encourage your crew and friends to look after the facility will be appreciated.
Bikes & Skateboards
Bikes not to be ridden on the marina pontoons. Please use the bicycle rack provided in the undercover carpark. Bicycles stored at own risk. Skateboards are not permitted to be stored or ridden in the marina carpark or on the marina pontoons.
Children must be supervised at all times. Playing within the marina grounds is strictly forbidden, especially around the car park, the hardstand area and on the walkways.

NO animals to be kept aboard a vessel or in the marina complex without authorisation of Marina management; other than for normal visiting and an occasional overnight stay. In these instances. dogs must be kept on a leash at ALL TIMES whilst on the walkways or in the marina grounds. Cats must remain on the boat or also be on a leash. Animals soiling the walkways or grounds must have the deposit shovelled up by the owner and disposed of in the industrial bin.
Fishing in the Marina is prohibited.
Fuel & Gas
Diesel, Unleaded Petrol and Gas available 8.00 am to 4.45 pm Monday to Friday and 8.00am to 12noon Saturday and Sunday & Public Holidays. Closed Christmas Day & Good Friday.
Hardstand and 35 Tonne Travelift
No pedestrian access to hardstand area when travelift in operation. Hardstand Rules and Environmental regulations must be adhered to at all times. See Hardstand Rules
The laundry has coin operated washing machines and dryers. Laundry or any item of a personal nature should not be hung out to dry or air in public view aboard any vessel or from any berth.
Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club
If renting in the marina for 3 months or more you must be a full member of the Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club. All visitors are welcome to use the Bar and Restaurant facilities.
Nearby Facilities
The Manly Harbour Shopping Village, just a short walk from the marina, has a minimart, bakery, post office, butcher, chemist, doctor, gift shops, restaurants, newsagent and chandleries.
Neighbourhood Watch Marine
This is a Neighbourhood Watch Marina.
You may find that until you are known on the marina people may inquire as to your business on the marina.
The carpark is for berth owners and rentals only. Display marina sticker on car. Only one car per berth is permitted to park inside the grounds. No trailers. Visitors to use public carparking in Fairlead Crescent. All vehicles parked at owner's risk.
Pedestrian Gate
Pedestrians please accesses via the pedestrian gate and not the vehicular gate. Either make arrangements to meet visitors at gate our they can use intercom.
Repairs & Maintenance
Vessel owner and any of his agents should abide by all relevant safety Acts and Environmental Regulations must be adhered to at all times.
Public Transport
Train and bus timetables are available from Translink.
Registered tradesmen list available at Marina office. Outside contractors, service organizations or individuals shall be permitted to work on vessels in the Marina providing they abide by all relevant safety Acts and Environmental Regulations and with the prior approval of the Marina Manager.